Author, journalist, project leader, editorial director, content manager and instructor able to create content and curriculum, produce messaging and execute strategic plans in editorial, media, non-profit, business, corporate and academic settings.
Editorial skills include idea generation, writing, coordination, design and delivery of messaging for multiple audiences across platforms and social media.
Public speaking and instruction abilities as a keynoter and live storyteller for hundreds of groups of audiences up to 1,000. Ability to collaborate with multiple partners and secure funding for best possible outcomes. Proficient in text, audio, video and photo content creation and editing, effective social media networking and messaging, SEO, digital branding, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Creative Suite 6, database and complex Internet research.
2/2016- present: Editorial Director, Take The Lead Women
- Produce award-winning original weekly editorial content for international women’s leadership organization
- Produce weekly newsletter on issues of women in leadership for 20,000 subscribers
9/2013- 3/2015: Director, Youth Narrating Our World for The OpEd Project, Chicago
- Created four-month program of weekend seminars for students in six Chicago public high schools in thought leadership funded by McCormick Foundation for $50,000 per year
- Mentored students to produce more than 70 opeds, speeches and videos on critical issues in their communities and schools
11/2012-12/2020: Director, Public Voices Fellowship, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
- Mentored 160 faculty fellows for elite diverse faculty development leadership program through Office of The Provost
- Lead four yearly convenings, plus weekly mentorship in editing and advising
- 140 fellows produced more than 920 opeds, keynotes, talks, expert commentaries, reviews, videos and books in seven years
1/2011- Present: Senior Seminar Leader, The OpEd Project, U.S., Canada, U.K., Africa
- Contribute to curriculum creation and instruction for more than 1,000 individuals on thought leadership around the U.S. in public seminars 8-10 times per year
- Co-leader University of Texas-Austin, 2022-2023
- Co-leader University of Indianapolis Public Voices Fellowship 2021-2022
- Co-leader Boone Family Foundation Public Voices Fellowship, 2018, 2020- 2023
- Co-leader Rush University Medical Public Voices Fellowship Greenhouse, 2017-2023
- Co-leader DePaul University Public Voices Fellowship 2019-2023
- Co-leader, 4-day workshop, Urgent Action Fund Africa, Nairobi, Kenya. 2016
- Leader, Ms. Foundation Public Voices Fellowship 2016
- Leader, 1.5 day seminar, Wellesley College, Mass.; University of Cincinnati, Whiting Foundation, SUNY-Geneseo; University of Washington, University of Wisconsin, University of Michigan, York University, St. Norbert College, University of Kentucky
- Co-lead for Loyola University, 2016-2017
- Co-lead for Brown University, 2016-2017
- Leader, Center for Global Policy Solutions, Washington, D.C, Summer 2014, 2015, 2016
- Co-lead for Gates Scholars, Cambridge University Public Voices Greenhouse, UK, 2013
- Co-lead for Princeton University Public Voices Fellowship 9/2011-8/2012
- Co-lead for Stanford University Public Voices Fellowship, 1/2011-6/2011
6/1996-9/2014: Journalism Faculty at Medill School, Northwestern University Evanston, IL
- Advanced from adjunct to lecturer to senior lecturer to assistant professor to present title of emerita faculty, the highest honor at the university signifying leadership contributions
- Created fundamental courses in undergraduate curriculum in reporting, multimedia journalism
- Award-winning instruction of more than 5,000 undergrad and graduate students in journalism, narrative and multimedia storytelling over 18 years.
- Served as first writing coach for graduate students
- Initiated faculty conference, Medill Talks, April 2014
- Directed TEDxNorthwesternU 2014: selected, edited and trained 12 faculty, alums and students to deliver TEDx talks, and managed all web production of event.
1999 to present: Columnist, Last Word, West Suburban Living Magazine
9/1999- Present: Author of seven nonfiction books, chapters in three additional books
- I Closed My Eyes (1999), Hazelden Publishing. Award-winning, reprinted in 2012; Translations: French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Norwegian, Dutch, Russian
- Writing To Save Your Life (2001), Hazelden Publishing. Reached #5 on amazon.com 2002; reprinted in 2012; Translations: French, German, Japanese, Spanish
- Everyman News: The Changing American Front Page (2008), University of Missouri Press; used as seminal source in journalism through 2015
- Just Me and My Three Sons (2014), SheBooks excerpt. Made into an audio book 2015.
- Escape Points: A Memoir (2015), Chicago Review Press.
- Act Like You’re Having A Good Time: Essays (2020), Northwestern University Press
- The Time We Have: Essays on Pandemic Living (2024), Northwestern University Press
- “A Father Is Born From Many Strangers,” chapter in NPR’s This I Believe on Fatherhood (2012) Henry M. Holt.
- “The Changing Nature of News,” chapter in 21st Century Communication: A Reference Handbook (2009) Sage Publications.
- “Making Readers Want Novels is Writer’s Hardest Job,” chapter in Conversations with Joyce Carol Oates (1989) University of Mississippi Press
1995- Present: Columnist, Last Word, West Surburban Living.
1/1989- 2017: Regular freelance contributor, columnist Chicago Tribune, Chicago
- Weekly columnist for business, women’s issues, personal essays 1989-2004
- Syndicated through Tribune Media Services 1989-2004
- Contributor of opinion for Perspective section, 2005-present
7/1984- 12/1988: Columnist, feature writer, Dallas Times Herald, Dallas, TX
- Weekly featured columnist
- Featured writer for Unique section, Dallas City Magazine, Style
9/1981- 7/1984: Midwest market editor, Fairchild Publications, Chicago
- Wrote features and news on business of fashion, retail and manufacturing for Midwest region
3/1980 -9/1981: Associate editor, ADWEEK magazine, Chicago
- Reported and wrote on retail, food, beverage and media covering Midwest
9/1979 -3/1980: Managing editor, North Shore magazine, Winnetka, Ill.
- Wrote and edited for glossy city magazine covering northern suburbs
- Supervised all freelance contributions
- Oversaw production of print magazine
9/1979- Present: Freelancer for major media outlets worldwide including:
AARP The Ethel; Al Jazeera English, Alternet.org; Atlanta Journal-Constitution; Baltimore Sun, Bride’s; Chicago Magazine; Chicago Parent; Chicago Sun-Times; Chicago Tribune; Christian Science Monitor, CNN.com, Considerable; Cosmopolitan, Dallas Times Herald; Dallas City; Dial; Forbes; The Guardian, Huffington Post, Journalism Education Review; Los Angeles Times; Medium; More.com; Motto; MSNBC Opinion; Narratively; Newsday; New York Times; Next Avenue; Nieman Reports; Pacific Standard; Parenting; Personal Journaling; Quartz; Seventeen; Slate, Spirit; Talking Points Memo; Thrive Global; TIME, USA Today, U.S. Catholic, Washington Post, West Suburban Living; Woman’s Day; WomensEnews; Women in Media News blog; Writers Digest.
2023: Peter Lisagor Award, Chicago Headline Club, Chicago Journalists Association, Best Blog
2022: Gilda Radner Award, Best Humor Book, Story Circle Network
2022: National Federation of Press Women, Best Essay
2022: Illinois Press Women Awards: Best Essay, Best Blog, Best Keynote Script
2021: Independent Publisher IPPY Book Awards, Best Nonfiction Essay Book
2021: Chicago Journalists Association, Finalist, 3 categories
2020: Finalist, Peter Lisagor Awards, Chicago Headline Club, Best Independent Blog, Essays
2019: Best Independent Blog, Chicago Journalists Assoication
2016: Society of Midland Authors, Finalist for Memoir Writing
2016: Winner, Memoir, Great Midwest Book Festival
2016, Sarah’s Inn, Annual Award
2015: Editors Choice, Booklist
2015: Honorary Chair, Honoree, Bubble Ball, Between Friends, Chicago
2014: Assistant Professor Emerita, Northwestern University
2013: Author of The Decade, George Washington University Law School
2013, 2014: Judge, Best American Newspaper Writing
2012: Created TED-Ed Lesson, “Capturing Authentic Narrative,” more than 56,000 views
2012: The Moth Grand Slam Story Finalist
2012-2014: Judge, National Federation of Press Women Nonfiction Book contest
2010: Trademark renewed by United States Patent & Trademark Office for original concept and process, “Scribotherapy” awarded in 2004
2010: Best Chicago Magazine or Newspaper Columnist, West Suburban Living
2009: National Federation of Press Women, First Place, Nonfiction book
2008: Helen Vrba Lecture Series Speaker, Denver Press Club
2007: Best magazine column, Illinois Press Women’s Association
2007: Twenty Years/Twenty Heroes Award
2006: Between Friends, Chicago, Hero Award
2005: Donna Allen Award for Feminist Advocacy, AEJMC
2003: State of Massachusetts “Step Up and Read” One-Book Program, I Closed My Eyes
2003: Guest of The White House for domestic violence policy announcement
2003: Sarah’s Inn Visionary Award
2002: Chicago Women In Publishing, Excellence Award, Nonfiction Book
2000: International Women’s Peacepower Media Award, Nonfiction Book, Florida
2000: Bread and Roses Individual Courage Award in Publishing, Chicago
Presenter, NU Summer Writers Workshop, August 2019
Live Storyteller, Voicebox Stories, July 2019
Moderator, “Together We Inspire,” Sarah’s Inn, May 2019
Keynote, Goodman Jewish Family Services of Broward County, January 2019
Presenter, Society Midland Authors, October 2018
Keynote, University of California-Irvine, Women and Domestic Violence, February 2016
Presenter, Printers Row Book Festival, Chicago, June 2016
Presenter,Tucson Book Festival, April 2016
Presenter, Savannah Book Festival, February 2016
Presenter, Miami Book Festival, November 2015
Keynote, Summer Writers, Northwestern, August 2015, 2016, 2017
Keynote, Indiana University Northwest, Women, Gender, Justice and The Media, March 2015
Panel, Northwestern University, Alice Kaplan Institute for Humanities, February 2015
Keynote, Summer Writers Northwestern, August 2014
Keynote, Women’s Legacy Conference, May 2014
Director, MedillTalks, February 2014
Leader, Chicago Ideas Week Lab, October 2013
Keynote, NU Summer Writers Workshop, July 2013
Keynote, Southern Utah University, March 2013
Keynote, Council on Foundations, Chicago, February 2013
Keynote, Women in STEM Conference, University of Chicago/ Northwestern University, February 2013
Editorial Training, Louisiana Business Publications, 2013
Speaker, Associated Press Managing Editors/Suburban Newspapers of America, April 2011
Lecture, Civitas Child Law Center, Loyola University School of Law, April 2011
2004-2006: 1st Vice president, Board of Directors, Journalism & Women Symposium
2004– 2010: Association for Educators in Journalism & Mass Communications
1999-present: Society of Midland Authors
1996 -Present: Member, Journalism & Women Symposium
1995–Present: Member, Association for Women Journalists
2018- Present: Board Member, Beat The Streets Chicago
2013- Present: Board Member, Life Matters Media
2012-Present: Board of advisors, Global Girl Media Chicago
2002-2005: Sarah’s Inn, Advisory Council
2002-Present: Between Friends, Advisory Council
2002– 2003: Amicus, Advisory Council to Cook County Domestic Violence Court
1999-2002: Sarah’s Inn, Board of Directors
1992-Present: Children’s Foundation
BSJ, Northwestern University, Medill School of Journalism, December, 1978
MSJ, Northwestern University, Medill School of Journalism, September, 1979
WGN Radio, September 2017
WGN Radio, September 2016
Interview, BBC, 2015
Interview, CNN, June 2013
Interview, WBEZ, January 2013
Interview, “Afternoon Magazine with Celeste Quinn,” Illinois Public Radio, Jan. 24, 2008
Book review and interview, Chicago Public Radio, “848,” February 2008
Interview, “The Milt Rosenberg Show,” WGN-AM Radio, March 13, 2008
Guest Interview, “Later Today Show,” 1996
Guest Interview, “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” June, October, 2002; October 1993
Guest Interview, “Midmorning with Katherine Lanpher,” Minnesota Public Radio, October 1999
Guest Interview, “The Jenny Jones Show,” NBC-TV, 1991
ABC-TV; Art and Healing Network; Associated Press, ceque (France); BBC Radio, BBC TV; Bakersfield Californian; Bookforum.com; Booklist; CBS-TV; Chicago Public Radio; Chicago Reader; Chicago Sun-Times; Chicago Tribune; Choice(American Libraries), Cleveland Plain Dealer; CNN, Columbia Journalism Review; Daily Herald; Editor & Publisher; Empower; Evanston Review; Faith, Hope & Fiction; Fargo Forum; Feline(Germany); Gulfshore Life; HealthyWomen.com;Huffington Post Live; Inside Higher Ed Chronicle, Journalism & Mass Communication Educator; Kirkus Reviews; Literarische Agentur (Germany); Los Angeles Times; Milwaukee Journal; Minnesota Public Radio; National Public Radio; Naples Daily News; Newspaper Research Journal, North Shore; Oprah.com; Oprah Winfrey Show; Ozaukee Press; Pioneer Press; Publisher’s Weekly; Science & Spirit Magazine; Story Magazine; StoryCircle Network; Toastmasters International; Today Show; Washington Post; Waukegan News-Sun; WBEZ; Wharton School of Business’ Knowledge; WideThinker.com; WGN Radio; Writer Gazette; Writers Digest; Yahoo News, Zest Magazine